“The Thing About This World”
9”x12” mix media painting on board.
Available in my Etsy shop
“That is one good thing about this world...there are always sure to be more springs.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea
I hope that you are all doing well. It is a crazy time. I will be honest, I approached this whole thing with the most positive and upbeat energy I could muster but the last few weeks have been hard and my energy has wained. I felt better today and I am sure it was because of the beautiful weather. Spring is finally starting to emerge and I can’t tell you how much that has lifted my mood. I have opened my Etsy shop again. I feel I need to feel a little more NORMAL, I need to keep painting and I need to keep doing my job. SO I opened up again. I may change my mind, but today it is open.
I’ve also been working on editing my PYHAS 2020. I’m excited about this class. I love Georgia O’Keeffe and using her beautiful paintings and her own image to inspire me to create this lesson has been a real joy. If you’d like to take part in any of my online classes, GO HERE. Speaking of which, I have been doing a little demo of painting on black paper on my YOU TUBE channel, they aren’t the quality of the online lessons I do for PYHAS or Let’s Face It, as I am doing them all on my iPhone and the last few, I haven’t even done a voice over but I just wanted to continue to share with you. It is has been hard to make myself go out to the studio in the last little while but having you guys out there, cheering me on and needing me is a huge motivation. SO, thanks for that.
OK, so here are the next few videos, and again, not great quality and not the professional set up that I use for the classes I sell.