Listen Heart
8”x10” mix media painting. SOLD
“Listen, Heart” speaks to my struggle to just sit in quiet. I must always have some type of noise to fill my brain, to quiet those loud and unhelpful doubts, fears and saboteurs that circle my brain 24/7.
When I can just sit in stillness and listen to the world,everything falls in place. There is a shift and time seems to slow. Being present with the world, in the world, I can find a moment to catch my breath and feel the love that I’m surrounded by.
“Listen, heart, to the whispering of the world.
That is how it makes love to you.”
-Rabindranath Tagore
Be All The Proof You Need
8”x16” mix media on wood. SOLD
I was thinking of this beautiful poem by Terri Kirby Erickson.
Such a great minder of self love and getting out of one’s own head. and letting go of other people’s opinions of us.( real or perceived)
What Matters
By Terri Kirby Erickson
What other people think of you,
what they say, are burdens
no one should carry. Lift a spoon,
a cup, things that fit in your hand.
Carry on a conversation,
pick up a baby. Listen to the wind
when it whispers, nothing else.
There is no one watching you,
no one straining to hear what
you say. The present has arrived
and you are in it. Your heart
is pumping. Your breath moves
in and out of your lungs without
anyone's help or permission.
Let go of everything else. Let
your life, handed to you through
no effort of your own, be all
the proof you need. You are loved.
From “How to Love the World - Poems of Gratitude and Hope” edited by @james.crews.poet