Getting closer and closer to Christmas. This time of year, I always feel like I am running out of time. It is a hard time of year to enjoy, I’ll be honest. My anxiety always gets the better of me. I did have fun baking this chocolate cake and making sugared cranberries and rosemary. It turned out so pretty and I will definitely be doing this again!
Made this chocolate cake (by Donna Hay) a little more festive with the addition of sugared cranberries and rosemary. Pretty AND Delicious!
This painting (below) is of Rupert in his bed in the living room. It’s actually a communal bed that he shares with Rosie, but never at the same time (haha). They take turns and rotate their sleeping between the carpet, couch and chairs. It’s all very dignified, and rather out of character. No fighting, no bickering, just two dogs living their best life.
Rupert In His Bed, SOLD
Another painting of Esther on my window sill. She wasn’t really pleased with me taking her photo. Not sure why but I think I caught her in all of her disgruntled glory, haha.
Esther At The Window, 4”x4” mix media painting, AVAILABLE HERE
This is a little painting of Scarlett when she had her long hair. It was very thick, a lot of work and I know she felt much lighter when she got it cut, but it was a beautiful. Trying to stay loose on such a small canvas is hard!
Knowing when you’re done is even harder.
Looking Back, 4”x4” mix media painting, AVAILABLE HERE