This Week, Rupert Makes An Appearance

Hello everyone, I hope you have had a nice week. I can’t believe how nice the weather is here in Edmonton. It is so warm for this time of year, and no snow yet. I am making the most of it and enjoying my long weekend walks with Chris and not worrying about slipping on ice.

In 2019 a lovely pup was born on a farm in Alberta. This pup made his way to our house in late January of 2020. Rupert was a love but we didn’t realize what a nervous dog he was or could not know how the covid lockdown would affect him as he developed. At this point, we definitely had a dog with special needs. He is terrified of all dogs and it takes him a fair bit to warm up to people. We love him but life is difficult with such a reactive dog, We have spent so much money on trying to help him, short of medication. The irony is that he has helped my oldest daughter, Imogen, so much with her anxiety. He is love and he is loved.


I snapped a shot of Rupert in our living room and thought it would make a delightful painting. It had all the things I love and, I feel, make my home a place of comfort. The orange chairs were from my Mother in law and are over 50 years old. I covered them with a fabric I found in Ikea ages ago. I had bought it not knowing where I was going to use it but I had to have it. When I was opening my little gallery shop, I wanted unique chairs for people to be able to sit and look at the walls of art and chat with me. Not being able to afford new chairs, I was forced to think more economically and creatively. I am so glad because these chairs turned out amazing and became the gallery’s focal point. They are seriously my favourite piece of furniture and I have now claimed them for our living room in our new house.

Rupert in the Living Room, 11”x14” mix media painting available HERE

Esther on the Sill, 5”x5” SOLD

South Window, 5”x7” SOLD

Rupert in the Ling Room, (study) SOLD

Playing in my sketchbook NFS

“Esther on the Window Sill” SOLD

I have been getting so much encouragement on the new direction I am taking with my art. I appreciate it. Trying new things is scary and I am so happy that people are enjoying these small paintings as much as I am enjoying creating them!

Thanks again and have a great week!

