This week was busy so I didn’t get much done in the studio but did work on these little pieces.
I have owned this 50’s deco lamp for close to 30 years and have always wanted to paint it. It is the sweetest thing but doesn’t have a striped lampshade, I added that. This little painting is done on mixmedia board. I love working on this board as it doesn’t need to be taped down to stop buckling, meaning I can paint right to the edge. This one just needs to be framed by you.
Jade Cat Lamp and Stripes, 8”x10” Available Here
Worked on this girl in the feathered coat again this week. Last week I did a similar one in my sketchbook.
Feather Coat, DM for availability
Waiting For Dinner could alternatively be called Waiting For Breakfast. Rosie likes her food but Rupert lives for food. He even has a special pineapple dish to slow him down while he is eating. He is still an extremely fast eater. Rosie spins for her dinner which really is rather cute.
Waiting For Dinner, SOLD
I bought two inks online and thought I’d share them with you. They really are lovely inks and although the red ink, Dracula, stole my heart because of it’s iridescent qualities, Robin Crusoe is really beautiful once dry.